
How to support your apprentice as an EPAO

3 years ago

Becoming an approved EPAO

Training providers support the learners as they work through the programme and ensure they are ready for the gateway. It is then the responsibility of an approved EPAO to conduct the EPA. There are some major differences between the new assessment plans and what we have been used to. The plans state the assessment method, but it will be up to the EPAO to design each assessment for each standard.

To become an EPAO, you must demonstrate that you are competent to assess a standard. Your organisation must demonstrate competence to assess the standard. For example, work on industry projects or assist in standards development - and hire assessors with a variety of occupational qualifications and experience. The Education Skills Funding Agency must approve all EPAOs. In order to do this, organisations must complete an extensive application process.

Practice makes perfect

As an EPAO, ensure that candidates practice with a variety of Assessments in the run up to their final EPA. Keeping track of your candidate's work throughout the apprenticeship will help you to determine their strengths and weaknesses. An Assessment Plan will provide you with a list of the KSBs (Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviours) that will be assessed.

Using E-Portfolios

E-Portfolios are electronic portfolios you can track the progress of your candidates online and distribute assignments. As a result, employers can track their apprentice's progress throughout the course, and ensure that they are not scheduled to sit for the EPA before they are ready. Furthermore, a full audit trail and clear evidence of learning are available at any time.

Communication is key

It is important that everyone is on the same page regarding the Apprentice's progress after the EPA significantly changed how apprentices are assessed. You'll have to work closely with employers to ensure that your apprentice is ready and has all necessary KSBs. Communicating with the employer is an essential part of preparing your candidates for the EPA. They could be entered in the EPA before they are ready.

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