
A Guide to EPA Preparation

End Point Assessment
3 years ago

What is your EPA assessment method?

End Point Assessment (EPA) varies by apprenticeship standard and includes different assessment styles like presentations, reports, discussion boards, interviews, etc. Each of these types of assessment is designed to test your knowledge and skills. EPA begins by knowing which methods will be used, what to expect, and how your capability will be demonstrated. All of these should be defined in your EPAO's guidance.

When will it be?

Once an employer is confident their apprentice is ready, they may submit the apprentice for EPA. They may consult with the apprentice and/or training provider(s) if they so choose. To be an independent third party, the organisation must be registered with the Education and Skills Funding Agency's (ESFA) Register of End-Point Assessment Organizations (RoEPAO) for that apprenticeship standard.

Are you familiar with the assessment criteria?

Assessment criteria for each standard are specified in its assessment plan as knowledge, skills, and behaviours, as well as how to pass as well as how to earn a distinction. You should become familiar with the assessment criteria and how to achieve them.

Consider how you have met the assessment criteria

In your EPA, you should be doing most of the talking, especially if you are undergoing a professional interview. Examples of end point assessment questions may be ‘explain a time when you worked as part of a team.’ Therefore, to answer this, you may begin your answer with ‘My project with team X demonstrates this competency,’ whilst staying in the first person and clearly defining your roles and responsibilities. This well help you formulate your answer clearly, as well as ensure you meet the criteria.

Mock assessments

You may want to consider doing a mock assessment. Training providers are often able to practice EPAs for you - ask your tutor to set up a mock EPA. Mock assessments provide a chance to practice what you will face in the real assessment.

You can use these tips when preparing for your end point assessment. Also, don't worry, there is no reason to stress - your assessor will only ask you to complete your EPA when you are ready

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