
Assessment Methods

End Point Assessment
2 years ago

Assessing the apprentice involves evaluating evidence from a variety of sources to determine whether or not the trainee has achieved the performance requirements (competency) articulated in the Apprenticeship Standard.


The most appropriate assessment method for practical skills is observational assessment, where an independent assessor observes an apprentice performing a task in the workplace as part of their normal duties.


What do they do?

The assessor observes, questions, and writes up a report on their observations. The assessor should use checklists to identify whether the apprentice has completed all elements of the task and what level of competence was displayed.

Practical Assessment

A practical assessment allows an apprentice to demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge and skills in a hands-on way. This is usually undertaken at a training provider or a specialist centre. Also, this assessment method is capable of objectively and holistically assessing knowledge, skills, and behavior.

Written Tests

An apprentice is asked to choose one or more correct answers from four options in a multiple-choice test. This assessment tool can be used at all levels of occupation.

Apprenticeship tests consist of a series of questions. The apprenticeship examination may consist of one kind of question or a variety of types of questions such as open questions and scenario-based questions. An assessment that is valid and effective requires the apprentice to respond in a short or long manner.

Professional Discussion

The purpose of a professional discussion is to assess the apprentice's comprehensive understanding of their work. Compared to an interview, questions are asked, and answers are provided by the apprentice, with much less interaction and discussion. The independent assessor should not lead professional discussions, since both the independent assessor and the apprentice are actively listening and participating in a formal conversation, allowing the apprentice to contribute in a detailed and proactive manner across the KSBs mapped to this method to show their competency. Consider how KSBs will be assessed when selecting a professional discussion or interview as an assessment method.


Interviews consist of independent assessors asking apprentices a series of questions to determine whether they meet the KSBs. The independent assessor's role differs from professional discussions in that set questions are asked, and two-way discussion is not allowed. As a result of this process, the independent assessor gathers information from the apprentice so that the assessment decision making process can be structured.

Presentation and Questioning

Apprentices present to independent assessors on a specific topic followed by questions from the assessors. A number of skills and behaviours within the standard can be assessed by this method directly, such as the ability to present, interact with others and structure information; the ability to respond to questions and manage discussion could also be evaluated.


As an assessment method, apprentices complete a significant and defined piece of work after the gateway. It can take the form of a written essay, or it could be produced by an apprentice (an ‘apprentice piece/artefact’) for a review and assessment by an independent assessor. It is important to design the apprenticeship project so that it meets the needs of the company, is relevant to the apprentice's role, and demonstrates the relevant KSBs for the EPA.

Portfolios and Logbooks

As a foundation for using end-point assessments, a portfolio is a collection of evidence gathered on-programme.

A logbook is used to keep track of achievement during the on-the-job part of the apprenticeship and can act as the basis for an end-point assessment.

As portfolios and logbooks are collected pre-gateway, they cannot be used as EPA assessment methods.

Under an assessment method that is based on a portfolio or logbook, it must be clear that the evidence supporting an assessment is not directly assessed and that any questioning should focus on current competence. A portfolio/logbook may be used as support to support the apprentice's remarks when asked questions, and the emphasis of those questions should be on the KSBs.

5 min read
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